Friday, April 23, 2010

Summer Sunshine.

Took this like a long time ago.
yeap, its my lil brother as a model,
he doesnt want to take pictures,
so i force him to cause i need to do something rather than spending
my time of sleeping
for hours.
Eventhough it was really hot that day,
but yknow....
it worth my time after all.

Yet this is my lil sister,
just a 4 year old little girl being a model,
it was Fun-tas-tico!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Night Thursday!

So yes, this is the view of my very own sunset.
i used the manual settings,
i rarely used it, so yeah
anyway, will upload some picture soon, very soon.
gonna have some photoshoot session with my lovely kaka,
we're gonna have lots of fun next week.